Luddite or Not
To celebrate Use a Typewriter Day, you might have to do a little work to find one first. Maybe, just maybe, your grandmother still has one you can borrow, but don't count on it.
I've thought, from time to time, about picking up an old manual typewriter on Craigslist. The main problem with doing so is the ribbon. Just like a modern printer needs ink cartridges, a typewriter needs a good ribbon.
Probably many of the ribbons on old typewriters are worn out. Who knows if you will still be able to get a fresh ribbon for it?
The typewriter you use today can be either manual or electric.
I had an electric typewriter in college and for a few years after that. Then came the computers and their printers.
My typewriter was a Brother. That's not a metaphor. The brand was Brother.
If you ever owned one, what was the brand of the last the last one you had?
By the way, if you don't know what a typewriter is, check Wikipedia. It's right next to Card Catalog.