Leave a Tissue in Your Pants Pocket Before Washing Them Day

Shredder Would Be Proud?

Leave a Tissue in Your Pants Pocket Before Washing Them Day is one of the easier days to celebrate.

Many people do it (on other days) without even thinking about it.

You are permitted to leave the tissue in a pocket other than one found in your pants.

You are also allowed to use something not normally called a tissue, as long as it can result in the same mess as a tissue (aka Kleenex) would.

The more pieces you can get the tissue to disintegrate into, the better. And the more places you can get them to end up, the better too.

You get bonus points if some of the pieces are not discovered until after the next wash cycle. Twice-washed tissue is a thing of beauty.

You get double bonus points if the coloring of the tissue bleeds into whatever else you are washing at the same time.

Triple bonus points if the bleeding color clashes with the other colors.