Unpopular Condiments Day

Non-Ketchup Day

Yesterday was Ketchup Day, so it makes sense that today is the day for all the rest on the condiment family.

Perhaps they should have called Unpopular Condiments Day something like Less Popular Condiments Day, because it's really about all the condiments other than ketchup, which is the most popular condiment of all time.

So the list of condiments you should use (or buy, then use) today include these.
  • Mustard
  • Pickle relish (sweet)
  • Pickle relish (dill)
  • Onions
  • Salt (actually, tied for first place with ketchup, so it almost shouldn't be listed here)
  • Pepper
  • Anchovies
  • Allspice
  • Honey
  • Nutella
  • Toum
  • Anything pictured above

Merry Christmas.