National Don't Let Anyone Get a Word in Edgewise Day


In commemoration of National Don't Let Anyone Get a Word in Edgewise Day, I probably should try to disable the comments section, but I'll just leave it for consistency's sake.

By the way, politicians, you're exempt from this day. Most of you have already got this down pat.

You've probably seen sitcoms where one character purposely keeps talking so another character can't speak his or her piece. Hilarity sometimes ensues. The idea for this day is the same. Basically, turn a dialogue into a monologue.

Continue monopolizing the conversation until the other person gives up or gets ready to hit you.

Yes, some of you won't be able to tell whether your friends are celebrating this special day or not. If you're not sure, point out to them what the name of this day is - if they'll let you speak - and see what their reaction is.

Some of you will have a difficult time celebrating this day either because you don't normally talk much or because you don't normally have any friends to talk to. Maybe this is your day to change either or both of those things.

Bonus points if you can tell me which song the subheading above is from. (It's not that hard.)