Use a Search Engine Other Than Google Day

Can You Ask Jeeves?

Did you know that search engines other than Google still exist? Weird, huh?

What did you ever do before Google? Well, Yahoo is still around, at least for a while, and they've always had search.

There's Bing which is okay for pictures and video. But what else is there? You might be surprised.

Google (hah!) "search engines" and see what you find. Notice that Google has become a verb, but none of the others. You don't Bing or Yahoo, do you? If you do, you're strange.

When I Google "search engines", Dogpile comes up first. Then is the Wikipedia (WDNL) entry - which should tell you something.

After that is DuckDuckGo. Then there's an article telling you what the top 15 most popular search engines are. That again should tell you something.

Bing just barely makes it onto the first page of Google.

I bet you didn't know that AOL still exists and has a search engine. I know...right? Do you even know what AOL stands for?

Anyway, try one of those out or whatever your favorite non-Google one is to celebrate Use a Search Engine Other Than Google Day today.

You only have to use one of them once. (whew!)