An Ounce of Prevention
"But I'm not a medical person," I hear you saying. So what? That doesn't mean you can't participate in Prevent a Pandemic Month.
You could certainly discover a pandemic happening, even if you're not a doctor or nurse. After the discovery, you have two options.
1) Tell a medical person about it.
2) Don't tell anyone about it. It will probably go away on its own anyway. This will save a lot of money and time that people could probably better spend elsewhere.
Pandemics don't happen all that often, so it's a good thing that you get a whole month (i.e. 30 days) to look for one.
If it gets close to the end of the month and you still haven't found one yet, just find one person with some ailment (like a cold or a torn ACL) and treat it as if it were a pandemic. See items 1 and 2 above. The effects will be pretty much the same.
The world may be better off for your actions in this regard this month. Thank you.