Clip the Nails on Your Right Hand Day

Nothing to Do with "Clippy"

I peeked ahead, there is no Clip the Nails on Your Left Hand Day tomorrow, so I guess it's okay to do those today too. And both your feet.

I did my feet. Maybe I'll take a look at my right hand's nails later.

Celebrating Clip the Nails on Your Right Hand Day is easy. You just do what it says and you're done.

If you'd rather have someone else do it professionally or unprofessionally, that's okay too.

Why it's the right hand and only the right hand that's specified for this day I haven't a clue. My best guess is that it's related to an ancient Druid ritual whose essence has long been forgotten. Perhaps it's related to something Merlin once did.

Not knowing the reason for the season (or in this case, the date) has never stopped anyone from celebrating though. So don't be shy about carrying out today's task. After all, your nails need trimming as likely as not.

Considering yesterday's special occasion, maybe you'll want to start dedicating tomorrow to the left hand.