Know Anyone Named Jack?
If you've been following along here for the past few days, I bet you first thought of that icy cold stuff on a window pane when you saw that today was Frost Day. And you would be partly right.
But Frost Day is also about that stuff you put on a cake or a cupcake or possibly a doughnut that we call frosting or icing or glaze.
I didn't check the etymology of "frost", but I would guess that it first referred to the cold window stuff and then, due to similarities, lent itself to the sweet stuff. You can call me out on that if you find otherwise.
Frost on a window is normally pretty cool (sorry) to look at. I think mathematicians since the 1980s or so would say frost has a fractal quality to it. That is, it has repeating patterns within repeating patterns.
If you don't like frost because of the number it does on your car windows, maybe you should consider building a garage, moving to a place that has a garage, covering your car at night when it's cold, or moving to a warmer climate.
If you don't like icing on your cake, you're just weird. (There, I said it.)