Future Forecast Week (aka Redundancy Week)

Saying the Same Thing Twice Repeatedly

One of our local TV weathermen (and maybe one of yours too) uses a "tool" called Future Forecast.

Notice to those who name such things: All forecasts are for the future.

Maybe the local guys don't have a say in what to call it. Maybe it's syndicated even. But you would think they could give some feedback then to those who do name it.

If they did name it by themselves, shame on them.

This whole, complete week of 7 days you get to celebrate such double redundancy yourself.

Be as obnoxiously repetitious over and over again as you can. Some of you will have an easier time with this and others will have a harder time with this.

Using the same repetitions day after day after day is a good thing this week, as long as you remember and never forget what you're doing.

Enjoy your week and have fun with it.