Hug Your Dwelling Day

Kisses Optional

Celebrating Hug Your Dwelling Day is simple, unless you don't have a dwelling, in which case you probably aren't reading this anyway. (I'm not being mean, just practical.)

To hug your dwelling (let's call it a house from now on), you have to go outside. You can't truly hug your house from the inside. It's just weird.

You obviously don't have to wrap your arms all the way around your house. If you could, that would also be weird.

Some people prefer to name their house before hugging it. Perhaps you've already named yours for other reasons, and that's fine.

Some people also like to speak the house's name while hugging it. That's fine too.

When doing any of the above, you might want to choose a corner of the house that's not as visible from the street as the front corners, unless you see your neighbor outside at the same time doing the same thing. If both of you are hugging your respective houses, no one will think that's weird.

If you have a detached garage, give it a hug too so it doesn't feel so detached.