Help a Plucker
If you're gonna have turkey on Thanksgiving, you might as well get in there are help pluck a turkey or two beforehand.
Pluck a Turkey Day requires nothing more than a dead turkey and possibly some scalding hot water. At least, that's what my grandparents used on beheaded chickens back in the day.
After chopping off the bird's head with an axe and letting the body get used to its new condition, you grab it by the legs again and dip it into a bucket of super hot water. This makes the feathers easier to pluck.
I assume you can do the same thing with a turkey, though I've never tried nor seen it done. My grandparents didn't raise turkeys. Some relatives did out on the turkey farm east of where we lived.
We would go out to that farm, perhaps once a year or every other year, just to see the turkeys in their pen and to make them gobble. Just about any unexpected noise you make near a flock of turkeys will cause them all to gobble.
Tradition was that you made a similar gobble-gobble-gobble sound to set them off.
Be sure to get all the pin feathers out too. You don't want to get one stuck between your teeth later.