No Need for the Handkerchief Today
Today's topic is nothing to sneeze at.
It had to be said.
No Sneeze Day is quite simply a day on which you are not permitted to sneeze. Most days you don't sneeze. Today if you feel a sneeze a-comin', put your finger on your philtrum. Holding it there really does work.
The purpose of No Sneeze Day was originally shrouded in mystery, but someone eventually figured it out and posted their findings on Wikipedia. Unfortunately, the good folks at Wiki didn't trust that what was added there was true and deleted the page. No other posting about the source of No Sneeze Day has ever been made, so today we're still in the dark.
The Wiki posting wasn't up long enough for a site like to capture it either.
All of this leaves an opening for you, dear reader. If you can find the historical beginnings of No Sneeze Day - which is apparently available somewhere - you can grab your 15 minutes of fame by finding it and posting it somewhere for all to see.
When you do, let us know here so we can help with your fame.