Got the Sniffles?
Does anyone besides me still carry a handkerchief these days? It used to be that almost everyone did, ladies and gents alike, I think.
On Use a Handkerchief Day, you don't have to carry one with you. Just use one at some point during the day.
If you don't own one, buy one. They can't cost that much.
Don't borrow and use one, unless the lender lets you keep it.
You can use one in many ways. For example, you can obviously use it to cover your mouth during a cough or sneeze. You can blow your nose with it.
You can tie a clean red or blue patterned one around your neck and be a cowpoke. You can tie it around your head above your eyes as a sweatband. You can tie it around the middle of your head so it covers your nose and mouth like a bandit.
I'm sure you'll find dozens of other possible uses. You only need one.
[Sung to Celito Lindo] Ay, ay, ay, ay! I am the Frito Bandito!