Hunters and Gatherers Awareness and Appreciation Day

Food! Glorious Food!

Hunters and Gatherers Awareness and Appreciation Day began eons ago in the city of Carcassonne, France.

It's a long, long story, so I won't give all the details here. Some of you probably already understand the reference.

To be aware of a hunter is quite an essential thing. If there's one around and you're not aware of him or her, bad things can happen.

Gatherers these days are essentially the equivalent of farmers. You're probably already aware of them to some extent. Maybe less so if you live (and rarely leave) the inner city of a large metropolis.

You can show your appreciation of both of these groups of people by eating your next meal.

These are the people who work hard every day to produce food for you and as many other people as they can. Be aware and appreciate.

Merry Christmas.