Let's Review Day

Take Time to Reflect

The end of the year is almost here. It's time to look back at where we've been.

I won't list all the special days that I've written about since January 1. I encourage you to flip back through some of the posts for yourself to relive some of those magical moments.

The end of a year is pretty much a contrived thing. Yes, the Earth is roughly in the same position relative to the sun that it was 365 days ago. But it just keeps revolving. And the whole solar system is in a different place in the galaxy than it was at this time last year.

What matters most to many humans at the end of a year is taxes. How much will the government want based on what I've done in the past year?

If you have read any of these posts at Da Unyun over the past year but still haven't read the IAQ page, please do so now. I'll be glad you did.

Sometimes the quality of writing in these posts was pretty good and deceptive.

Merry Christmas.

If you're wondering why I keep saying "Merry Christmas" long after Christmas Day, you need to read up on the 12 Days of Christmas.