Carry a Towel Day

Every Day Should Be This Day

Some of you might not get the reference that Carry a Towel Day implies. If I mentioned that it was loosely connected to the number 42, would you understand then? If not, Google it.

Carry a Towel Day is a very practical day. You carry a towel - of whatever size you prefer - with you all day. You might be surprised at how often it comes in handy.

Your towel should make a statement about you. The pattern or print on the towel - or lack of one - will speak volumes to those you meet about your taste - or lack of it.

Even the color, or colors, of the towel will say a lot.

The type of towel doesn't really matter. It could be a bath towel, a kitchen towel, or one you'd use in the garage (aka a grease rag). Again, your selection will shout something to the world about you.

Encourage those you see to carry a towel too, assuming you see anyone else not carrying one.

With the possible exception of the grease rag type of towel, your towel should initially be clean. That way, at the end of the day, you can tell how often and why you used it.

Don't panic!